Tag Archives: Company

Pray. Work. Pray.

Praying should outnumber working in a ratio of 2:1. Christians in today’s workforce should never start any morning without lifting up a specific prayer unto God for their own business or for their employer.  By praying to God before the workday even begins, it communicates to the Heavenly Father your genuine, heartfelt desire to carry out His divine purpose in all that you intend to do on that day.


As a Christian entrepreneur, which I prefer to label myself as a “Kingdom-preneur” (check back soon for my article defining this new term which God gave to me), I enjoy browsing and seeking out noteworthy, resourceful, Christian blogs.


Recently, I came across a blog which you must take a moment to check out entitled:

In the Company of Prayer  (http://www.companyofprayer.com/) —-which incidentally is located along with a link to my blog Cornerinsight (https://cornerinsight.wordpress.com) under the Religion section on ALLTOP (http://alltop.com) .


In the Company of Prayer fulfills the ongoing, daily need for a distinct focal point to guide our prayers. This ensures the vital inclusion of the following specifics into our “work related” prayer time such as; our daily in-house business operations/meetings, co-worker/client/customer relationships, as well as the numerous business to business transactions or interactions which we encounter on any given day. It is crucial for us to usher God and the Holy Spirit’s presence into our workplace environment on each and every day! Whether you are a home-based entrepreneur running your business venture out of your living room, a retail associate at the local department store, or a corporate attorney practicing law in the MEGA-law firm with satellite locations around the world—It is essential for you to begin the workday in prayer. Your prayer life should spill over and infuse your “workspace”, regardless of the actual physical surroundings or environment.


I encourage you to visit In the Company of Prayer by clicking on http://www.companyofprayer.com/

Once you get to their main page, sign up & join their “Morning Briefings” for free! Then you will receive a daily email sent directly to your Inbox; so you can start off each workday morning focused in prayer. I am certain that you will find that in each morning’s prayer God will speak precisely to a current situation which you are dealing with or He will without a doubt give you divine insight and preparation for upcoming circumstances that you will face on the job.


Just remember that God’s Word says when we pray, then we should believe that we receive! I can assure you I will always believe—and I remain in a posture to receive exactly what God has just for me.



I want to leave you with these 4 key points, as you move forward with the things God has spoken to your spirit:

1. Step out on faith, and be encouraged.

2. Walk in your God-given authority.

3. Carry out God’s Agenda 1st; and He will complete your agenda during the process.

4. Seek to advance God’s Kingdom as a “Kingdom-preneur”!


Be Blessed! 


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Filed under Business Resources, Corner insight foundation, destiny, entrepreneurship, Hot Topics, ideas, information, Inspiration, Kingdom-preneur, life, Ministry, Missions, Random thoughts, Resources, Success in Business, Success in Life, thoughts, Tips, Travel, Uncategorized, Writing